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Understanding God’s Will for Your Life

Understanding God’s Will for Your Life

This subject gets me fired up in the best of ways! Through this post, my prayer is that I give an inkling to this incredible topic. Perhaps one of the biggest questions in life among creation is “How do I know God’s Will for my 

How I got distracted from God’s calling

How I got distracted from God’s calling

This is a difficult post to write, not because transparency is hard for me, but because I haven’t written a blog post in over 1 year. The reason for that is distraction. So today I’m exercising my writing muscles to tell you how I got 

Keeping Your Faith Despite Your Circumstances

Keeping Your Faith Despite Your Circumstances

The dreaded phone call, the medical report, the life-altering circumstance that pivots your life. Most of us encounter this sort of redirection in life and when it arises, how do we respond? How do we keep our heads up, our focus on the Lord and 

What is Christianity?

What is Christianity?

This post is courtesy of the comment section of a reel I posted on Instagram that says “If Christianity is man made, why does everything about it go against mans desires?” This sparked a huge debate about the meaning of the term Christianity. What is 

Westgate River Ranch Resort & Rodeo

Westgate River Ranch Resort & Rodeo

I truly don’t even know where to begin, but here goes. I’ve been wanting to visit River Ranch for so long and we finally booked a camping trip that did not disappoint. Wow we had so much fun! If you’re a Florida resident or traveler, 

Honoring Your Husband as the Head of the Home

Honoring Your Husband as the Head of the Home

A father’s intuition is just as significant as a mother’s. And although I haven’t always felt that way; I’ve learned that honoring your husband as the head of the home is something God calls us to. It’s through this willful submission that my family has 

LaPorte Farms, Sebastian, FL

LaPorte Farms, Sebastian, FL

This spring break on our way from one camping location to another, we planned to stop at this hidden gem in Sebastian, FL; a very special place called LaPorte Farms. Inside the thick tropical surroundings lies 5 acres of pure joy where owner Laura LaPorte 

King’s Landing, Apopka, FL

King’s Landing, Apopka, FL

King’s Landing, Apopka, FL

Why it’s important to walk with like-minded believers

Why it’s important to walk with like-minded believers

I find it interesting some of the synonyms for walk are lead, usher, shepherd, steer and guide. So my question for you today is who is guiding you? One of God’s greatest gifts are the people we get to walk alongside in life. With that 

What I’ve Learned as a Stay-at-Home Mom

What I’ve Learned as a Stay-at-Home Mom

I’m currently touring schools to decide where my second & last child will attend VPK. The realization that after VPK, he will go off to kindergarten has me reminiscing over the years I spent home raising littles. It’s a big ball of emotion and I