How I grew my faith in 2020

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Once upon a time ago, I had a dream in my heart to start a blog, but I never followed through with it. About twenty years later, God brought that dream to life with clarity. The story of “how I grew my faith in 2020” began in October 2017.
I was pregnant with my second son and had just moved from New York to Maine. This is when God clearly spoke to me through the Holy Spirit about starting a blog, even more specifically, My hills and valleys.
I wasn’t ready to take this leap of faith, per usual, I was resisting becoming the woman I had been called to be, because of fear.
The Holy Spirit was relentless in telling me to start this blog. Roughly, a year and a half later, I purchased the domain. And it sat, untouched, because of that four letter word that stole so much time from my life.
In March 2020 when covid struck, the state of Massachusetts went into a pretty strict lockdown. I remember being so afraid to even walk outside of my house. The media made it seem like covid was everywhere and I wasn’t able to protect myself from this invincible, deadly virus. Not even my five senses could detect it’s presence.
Our “normal” lives changed dramatically as the state shutdown and everyone was home. I knew it was time, now or never, enough with the excuses. So, I finally published my first blog post!
The importance of this story is that, publishing that first post was a long overdue step of faith.
God took my dream of wanting to blog and in His timing, showed me that the purpose of my blogging journey would glorify Him.

How I grew my faith in 2020
It’s simple really. As I showed up, God showed up.
Surrender is how I grew my faith in 2020.
I was still in control of certain areas of my life and was being held back by fear instead of trusting in God.
Once I relinquished the fear and control and began to truly trust God, I experienced Him in ways I never had before.
In hindsight, I really missed out on so much opportunity and growth in my life when all I had to do was stay surrendered to God. Surrender is where you find freedom, peace and understanding.
Through the years, I’ve had numerous ministry opportunities that I put on the back burner because of my own insecurities. When the whole time God didn’t want me to be in ministry on my own strength, but His.
His plan for my life began long ago but since I held onto fear & control, He wasn’t able to do what He does.
See, God gives us a free will, He allows us to make our own choices. We can choose life our way or choose life His way.
When we choose life God’s way, we allow Him to work in us through the Holy Spirit. We allow a transformation process to occur which makes us more like Him.
Living life God’s way is having an intimate relationship with Him through prayer and bible study. It’s applying the scriptures to our lives which is an act of submission over our natural sinful ways. This is how God’s will for our lives can be achieved.
Speaking of Choose Life, I created a mini-series on this topic, you can start reading here.

My hills and valleys
It’s all archived here on My hills and valleys, the anxiety He took from me, the peace of mind He gave me. I found my confidence in Him and learned how to be content, despite my circumstances. There was even this one incredible day that I almost physically felt His presence.
So here, I share my personal experiences to bring light to the faithfulness, power and glory of God!
My hills and valleys is a place to find encouragement to grow in your faith. It literally doesn’t matter where you are or where you’ve been. God is capable of anything.
Have you read my testimony? It’s the story of My hills and valleys; a synonym for My highs and lows.
Life is full of hills and valleys and God is greater than our highs and lows.
I encourage spiritual growth because to stay stagnant in our faith isn’t God’s plan for anyone. He wants an intimate relationship with us. He wants us to surrender our lives to Him so He can shape and mold us into who He created us to be.
Spiritual growth is exercising our faith throughout every aspect of our lives. Our faith should be exercised over our lifetime until we are in the presence of the Lord and are completed in Him.
I’m still on this journey and this relationship has been the most fulfilling experience in my life. I have a big heart to walk alongside of you on your journey. Life is not meant to be lived alone, so let’s do this thing, together, with God as our compass!
I’m eager to see His plans for My hills and valleys unfold this upcoming year and hope you stick around to see it too!

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