She is more precious than rubies.

She is more precious than rubies.

Recently I’ve been reciting the Proverb: “She is more precious than rubies” (Proverbs 3:15) as a positive affirmation to myself. Isn’t it true that sometimes, we can be our worst critic. Do you ever feel like you’re not doing enough, or maybe you’re doing too much, but either way you feel inadequate?

I decided to open up my bible and start reading Proverbs 3 and it spoke so loudly to me. Proverbs aka the book of wisdom was written by King Solomon and is considered one of the poetic books of bible.

In the verse, “She is more precious than rubies” the word “She” is not referring to a person. “She” is wisdom. Wisdom, “the ability to live life skillfully”. Bear with me.

When I re-surrendered my life to Christ as an adult, the verse Proverbs 3:5-6 was instrumental for me in re-centering my thoughts to align with His.

This verse instructs us to trust God because His ways are not our ways and as we align our thoughts & actions to His ways, He will guide our path in life. That my friends, is wisdom.

So, why am I sharing this? Because with all the hats we wear, life can get overwhelming. If I am not cautious with my thoughts, I can get lost down a rabbit hole of negativity about myself. I need to be a better wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, neighbor, I need to be more productive at home and work and most importantly in my relationship with God.

When I consciously choose to redirect my focus to what God says, I remember who I am and who He says I am.

Proverbs 3:5-6

My Worth

When I was young, no-one ever spoke positive affirmations over me. I was never taught anything valuable about my thoughts about myself. I knew I was loved and I was told I was pretty (on the outside) so I thought that was what was important in life.

I cared so much about the way I looked and I sought love in all the wrong places. When I didn’t get attention from others, I would behave a certain type of way to get the attention I yearned for because I never felt like I was enough.

I don’t blame anyone else for my actions. I’m just saying, how could I know what I didn’t know? But now, I do know and even as an adult, I still have to remind myself that I’m not perfect but I am more precious than rubies.

The definition of “precious” is of great value; not to be wasted or treated carelessly. Similar words are valuable, costly, priceless. If “she” is “wisdom” and I choose God’s ways over my own, am I not “She”?


I am she. I know my worth. I am wise. I am not perfect. I am valuable. I am treasured. I am priceless. I am beautiful. I know who I am in Christ. I am needed. I am enough. I am more precious than rubies.

I had been this girl all along. I just didn’t know then what I know now. If you’re not already doing so, I urge you to speak words of affirmation over your children or perhaps yourself, or a friend.

As a mother, raising two boys, it is my mission to teach them their self-worth and the worth of others. My hope for them is to grow up independent not co-dependent and to respect themselves and others.

Do you know who God says you are?

Jesus “calls you friend”. John 15:15

You are chosen. Ephesians 1:4-6

You are a child of God. 1 John 3:1

You are loved. Romans 5:8

5 benefits to why I should read the bible.

Do you have a favorite scripture or affirmation? If so, please share below! If not, I hope you find one and that you believe that you are not who they say you are, you are who God says you are 🙂

Want to learn more about my journey? Read my testimony here.

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