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If forgiveness was easy, we’d all be doing it. The truth is, forgiveness can be very hard for many. The act of forgiving used to be hard for me too, but once I had a deeper understanding of why I should forgive, it became easier. 

Mother’s Day letter to my sons.

Mother’s Day letter to my sons.

It may seem somewhat backwards writing a Mother’s day letter to my sons. But if it weren’t for my boys, I wouldn’t be a mother, so it feels completely appropriate to me. 🙂 To my sons, I’m so thankful for the both of you. That 

A Tribute to Mother’s Day

A Tribute to Mother’s Day

I’m so excited for this Tribute to Mother’s Day! How powerful three little letters put together can be. Mom. There’s something so special about a mom. Besides the fact that they gave birth to us and were the first ones to love us, unconditionally. When 

One month into quarantine

One month into quarantine

It’s been one month since we began our home quarantine, somehow it feels like it’s been a year. Life right now feels like groundhog day. One month since the kids were in school and it’s official – school is closed for the rest of the 

What is the Fruit of the Spirit?

What is the Fruit of the Spirit?

I’ll never forget the laminated fruit of the spirit pamphlet I received at women’s bible study one night. I had just recently re-dedicated my life back to Christ as an adult. This pamphlet held everything I wasn’t and everything I truly wanted to become. 13 

How to Cultivate the Fruit of the Spirit

How to Cultivate the Fruit of the Spirit

You may have just read “What is the Fruit of the Spirit” now we’ll identify how to Cultivate the Fruit of the Spirit in our lives. Let’s jump right in! I want to take you to the Last Supper of Jesus Christ, just before his 

Martha & Mary bible lesson

Martha & Mary bible lesson

I love this short story of Jesus entering the home of Martha & Mary and the bible lesson it teaches us as women of our home. I often ask myself, Melissa are you being a Martha or a Mary? Anyone who has spent time in 

Christian family movies to watch while in quarantine

Christian family movies to watch while in quarantine

If you’re anything like me, you also enjoy a feel good movie 🙂 My family watched a movie this morning that brought us together in an unanticipated way. But God is good and that’s what His truth does. Here are my top 5 recommended Christian 

California’s Pacific Coast Highway Road Trip

California’s Pacific Coast Highway Road Trip

If you’re looking for one of the top scenic road trips in the U.S. this is one of them. Cruising down California’s Pacific Coast Highway 1 offers stunning views of the coastlines stretching waters as far as the eye can see. You’ll have a front 

Digging deeper into the Serenity Prayer

Digging deeper into the Serenity Prayer

The widely used Serenity Prayer has been circulating the world since the early 1900’s and was written by American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr. There are slightly different versions of the prayer and it’s also most commonly known through the Celebrate Recovery program. Most of us have