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Pursuing Hospitality

Pursuing Hospitality

I’m racing around cleaning up the house, a “white tornado” as my best friend calls it. My son asks “mom who’s coming over?” Sigh. Does that scenario sound familiar to you? If so, discover what I’ve learned about pursuing hospitality! Every time I have people 

Let your light shine

Let your light shine

There’s definitely a level of uncertainty that the darkness brings. I remember how much I hated the dark when I was young. I always had to have a night light on so I could see that the boogie man wasn’t creeping around. Have you ever 

2 Truths and a Lie

2 Truths and a Lie

I love to play the game & popular ice breaker 2 truths and a lie. If you haven’t played before, it’s pretty simple. You tell 2 truths and a lie and the other people playing have to guess which is the lie. It’s a great 

Comparison is a trap

Comparison is a trap

I would venture to say that every single person who has walked the earth (except Jesus) has compared themselves to someone else, at least once. Comparison is a trap! I mean, in this world, how could we not? The moment we sense someone else is 

How changing yourself will change your spouse

How changing yourself will change your spouse

This post contains affiliate links. Read the full disclaimer. All to often we commit to someone thinking we can “fix” the things we don’t like about them. Or perhaps you think you can overlook those things that irk you. Then one day, we ‘re focused 

3 reasons why we should treat our body as a temple

3 reasons why we should treat our body as a temple

Have you ever heard the phrase, “your body is a temple”? Do you know what that means exactly? Let’s break in down together through 3 reasons why we should treat our body as a temple. Before we get into these “3 reason why” I want 

4 effective steps to get your child to do their chores

4 effective steps to get your child to do their chores

Are you tired of repeating yourself to your kids about getting their chores done? How about that chore chart that you were so excited to make because it would solve all the chore related problems. Humph. Leaving a child to do their chores in a 

Attn Commissary Shoppers: Are you actually saving money?

Attn Commissary Shoppers: Are you actually saving money?

Today I ran into the Stop & Shop grocery store for something specific that the Commissary doesn’t carry. While there, I decided to price check some common items. Commissary shoppers, have you ever wondered, are we actually saving money? We know some of the benefits 

What does it mean to have faith?

What does it mean to have faith?

In the Bible, the book of Hebrews tells us that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Faith is believing in what we can not see. So, exactly what does it mean to have faith? First and foremost, 

How to choose joy

How to choose joy

Lately I feel like I haven’t been able to get anything done, let alone get ahead. From early morning til late night I’m non-stop and every task I begin goes unfinished. Before the quarantine was in place, I had a functioning life. My days were